23. What is the value of ASCE 7 Wind load setting "Cf" when value is set to Automatic in an AutoPIPE

Applies To
Environment: N/A
Area: Load
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group


What is the value of ASCE 7 Wind load setting "Cf" when value is set to Automatic in an AutoPIPE model?  


See model Input listing "Load Summary" sub report, search for  "Load Case" to understand what value is used when Cf = Automatic:

Open the Wind Profile dialog where CF is set to Automatic, place cursor in field and press keyboard F1 key. This will display AutoPIPE help on this feature. read this to fully understand this setting. 

AutoPIPE assumes moderately smooth piping and reference Tables 6-10 for "Chimneys, Tanks and Similar Structures" in the ASCE 7-98 code:

See Also

Modeling "Wind" - Load Case

Bentley AutoPIPE
