Explanation of the Different Colors in the Terrain Crossing Features and Conflicting Points Reports

Product(s):OpenRoads Designer
Area: Terrain>Analysis>Reporting


For Report Conflicting POINTS:


Elevations on Terrain Model are displayed Green in the dialog, If the “Elevation at Point” matches the Terrain Model Elevation then it is displayed in Green, if the “Elevation at Point” is above Terrain Elevation is Blue and if below Terrain Elevation is Red:

For Report Crossing features:

If one of the feature elevations matches the Terrain Model elevation Level, the Feature elevation will display on green in the dialog, if different it will be the Color of the Feature (Red or Blue)

In the following example there are two linear features crossing each other: Feature 1 Highlighted in red (Edge of Pavement) and Feature 2 Highlighted in blue (Driveway)