How to select multiple Group Elements for editing and further filtering?

Product(s):ProStructures/ ProSteel
Version(s):CONNECT Edition (10.xx.00.xx/ V8i (
Area:Element Properties

Group Selection

Original Author

Sandip Kar, Bentley Product Advantage Group

Problem Description

Like multiple part selection user need to select multiple Groups so that at single instance the Group properties can also be modified
and like this will further help to filter the particular Groups.
Original issue description:
Is there any possibility to change Group or Subgroup Name for multiple elements. I mean there is a possibility
to select multiple elements with search command but after I selecting them I am not able to change
Name because it is not visible. An example below:

Steps to resolve

1. For multiple Group Element Selection:

(a) Open the Administrate Groups Dialog and go to Settings and tick on the "Edit multiple" option. In CONNECT Edition go via Steel > Home > Classification > Groups.

(b) Then Go to Groups Tab and click on Edit Group Data. 

And it will ask to filter or select the groups in you model. After selection, if you click, the Group
properties dialog box will open and it will allow you to change or modify the property for multiple Groups.

2. For searching or filtering  groups:

(a). For CONNECT Edition

(b) For V8i


See Video