STAAD.Pro manuals in .pdf format

Applies To
Environment: ALL
Area: Gereral Solutions
Subarea: Learning Material
Original Author:Payel Sasmal, Bentley Technical Support Group

How do I download the STAAD.Pro manuals in .pdf format?

Log in to, scroll down the page and go to software downloads section and make the selections as shown below. Please make sure that you have enough privilege to download files; if not, please check with your IT administrator.

Once selected, check the box next to it and click on the download icon at shown here. The file 'stpst20071000endoc.exe' will be downloaded in your machine. Run the .exe file and the manuals will be downloaded in ..:\BentleyDownloads\stpst20071000endoc .

For the CONNECT Edition, all the manuals can be accessed via online; the .pdf files are not available to download.

See Also

Pdf file for STAAD.Pro Help Documentation