How to Migrate Old Customizations to the Ribbon

 Environment:Windows 7 64 bit,Windows 8
 Area:UI Customization

Migrating custom menus from MicroStation V8i to MicroStation CONNECT Edition


You can easily migrate customizations such as Custom Tools, Toolboxes, Tasks, Main Tasks, and Legacy Menu customizations created in previous versions of MicroStation to the ribbon. These custom tasks and toolboxes can be converted to groups in the ribbon. The tools within the custom tasks and toolboxes are retained in the groups.

Steps to Accomplish

Bringing in custom menu

Make sure any .dgnlib files that contain the customizations to be imported into the ribbon are specified in configuration variable MS_GUIDGNLIBLIST.

Keep in mind if you define this variable by going to Configuration Variables dialog this will define your menu items for all workspaces. This may or may not be the desired result that you want. If this is the case you have the option of creating  a new Workspace and possibly a new WorkSet and defining the dgnlib file.

Once these two things have been defined you can drop the dgnlib file in one of the following two folders depending on the level that you want to define the customization:

Once this is done your custom task, toolboxes and menus should appear when you open file in MicroStation

  1. Right-click in the blank space in the ribbon and select "Ribbon Customize" from the pop-up menu. "The Customize Ribbon" dialog opens
  2. In the Custom Ribbon dialog's Ribbon section, select Task, Main Task, Toolboxes(Custom), or Custom Menus from the "Choose components" from drop-down list
  3. In the Customize the Ribbon list, navigate to the desired workflow and tab in which you want to add the group

4. Do one of the following:

From the list below "Choose components from", select the desired item and then click "Add".


From the list below "Choose components from", select and drag the item to the list below "Customize the Ribbon"

5. Clip "Apply"

So you can basically add the custom tool items to an existing Group or you can create a new Group to add your custom tools. The selected Custom Task, Main Task, Toolbox, or Menu is available as a group in the selected tab. If a subtask has multiple tools in it, they are converted as tools grouped in a split-button.

Migrate to Quick Access Toolbar

As above examples ensure old dgnlib is pointed to by the MS_GUIDGNLIBLIST then open the dgnlib and ensure that changes are being made to desired dgnlib.

In the customize ribbon dialog switch to the quick access toolbar and create a new drop down button

Now switch the Components to Choose From pulldown to menu customizations and add your menu components to the new pulldown menu.

Migrating Old Customizations to the Ribbon

The custom tasks and toolboxes that have been converted to groups can be to groups in the ribbon. The tools within the custom tasks and toolboxes are retained in the groups. The following table lists different ways in which old customizations can be migrated to the ribbon:

These custom items can be imported as Tab, Groups, Buttons or Split buttons depending on the type of ribbon component the item is imported.

Once you migrate your old customizations to ribbon, you can change different properties such as group label, key tips, size of the tools, and so on.

See Also

Anderssprachige Quellen


 Original Author:Regie Wallace