09. AutoPIPE Report Viewer has stopped working

Applies To
Version(s):2004, XM, & V8i
Area: Error
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group


The following is being displayed:

"A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Please close the program."

How to resolve the issue?


1. Start AutoPIPE, open a model, run a complete analysis on the model, create a model input listing report with Tools> Model Input Listing> enable all sub reports, press OK button, in a moment AutoPIPE Report Viewer should display the report. Do you see this report?

2. Also, select Results> Output report> enable all sub reports, press OK button, in a moment AutoPIPE Report Viewer should display the report. Do you see the report?

3. Using Windows Explorer, navigate to the following file:

a. Folder location where your model is stored, can you find the following files in the same folder:

i. systemname.OUT

ii. systemname.RPT

c. C:\ Bentley\ AutoPIPE V8i SELECTseries\ apipview.exe

Question: double click on the file to start it. Does AutoPIPE Report Viewer application start and do you see a blank screen?

Please file a service request.with answers to these questions.

Workaround: Open the *.OUT & *.RPT files using any text editor (i.e. UltraEdit, NotePad++, MS Word, etc..) 

See Also

Application Crashed or Freezes

Bentley AutoPIPE