Resolved issues in MicroStation CONNECT Edition Update 5

 Version(s):CONNECT Update 5

This is the list of the resolved issues for MicroStation CONNECT Edition Update 5,

See HTML Table below

Defect NumberDescription
692278Resolved issue with specific Luxology preset material not correctly working.
677560Resolved crash when you have Bing Map attached and have a mesh and change View Attribute from Wireframe to Smooth.
675300Fixed issue with configuration variable MS_DWG_VERSION = 2013 does not set the save as DWG option are defaulted to 2013.
668493Resolved issue with an item type property that could not be removed if importing the generated xml file.
662412Fixed issue with user unable to remove a tab under the custom workflow.
658882Resolved issue with solid having a Modified Vertex that gives incorrect result when United with other solids keeping 'Merge Parametric Solids' option set to ON.
658875Resolved issue with not being able to Unite Solids after having Modified Edge with other solids keeping 'Merge Parametric Solids' option set to ON.
650252Fixed issue with Dot cell terminator on a note is not scaling correctly.
646764Resolved issue with specific file when publishing an i-model results a crash.
645916Resolved issue with 'Synchronize/Follow/Capture Google Earth View' tools are not working with Google Earth PRO version.
643187Resolved issue with a specific .dwg file where some element colors display incorrectly.
641653Fixed issue with Auto-Center does not work well in X-Axis when page size length is larger than 1500 mm.
636980Width of text node masking in DWG is displayed larger in AutoCAD than in MicroStation.
636327Fixed issue with converting from DGN to DWG and line style setting Width changes in specific file.
633337Resolved issue with using Chinese characters in Tags value not displaying on screen correctly.
632088Resolved issue with associated text to rotate with elements.
620204Resolved issue with Label coordinate tool does not honor the accuracy setting.
617651Resolved Microstation crash on selecting task navigation custom menu from Ribbon > Task Navigation > dropdown list.
614268Fixed issue with keyin: "REFERENCE SET ATTACHMETHOD=geoReprojected reference Bing Map is not automatically reprojected.
614242Resolved issue with Reproject Bing Map into the another model causes crash in specific file.
566468Resolved issue with unable to identify upper right of paper menu when working with INTUOS4 along the lens cursor device.
555815Fixed issue with Change Text Style casuing color changes even when it is not defined in Text Style.
469770Resolved issue with MicroStation CONNECT crashes converting DWG to i model in specific file.
446232Resolved issue with specific Dimension style does not update from dgn library.
439018Fixed issue with MicroStation hanging when Bing Maps reprojected to "EPSG:102123" GeoCS.
369008Resolved issue with Unicode tag values are not retained when opening file in MicroStation V8i and MicroStation CONNECT Edition.
671904Fixed issue with Titleblocks not being honored in Print Organizer with workspaces or worksets.
619962Included option to disable keyin browser when "enter" key is invoked.

See Also

MicroStation CONNECT Edition Update 5 – Announcement      
Resolved Defects List - MicroStation CONNECT Edition Update 4
Resolved Defects List - MicroStation CONNECT Edition Update 3
Resolved issues in Microstation CONNECT Update 2
Resolved issues in Microstation CONNECT Update 1


 Original Author:Maria Munoz