Longitudinal Bars coming large dia after upgrading from ProConcrete Update 4 to Update 5

Version(s):CONNECT Edition (
Area:2D Drawing
Original AuthorSandip Kar, Product Advantage Group

Problem Description

User when upgraded his model from Update 4 to Update 5, the the longitudinal bars in drawing created in Update 4, come up as large diameter.

Steps to resolve

We have special variable named as "HDIA" in display.sys file which controls the Longitudinal bars / Dot Bars dia. using this variable User can control how much size they need to display. In typical practice user wants to have this in bigger size than the actual size.

When HDIA = 0, then circle size comes as actual, but if user want different size then they need to put value according to annotation scale.

This issue was not come in picture as in U4 this Variable was not working, which is now fixed in U5 and when upgraded the drawing created in U4, user will get different result according to the HDIA value.

To achieve the correct result have a look to the following example

    Bar size = 10 M

    HDIA value = 1.2 mm (Circle size in sheet)

    Bar size = 10 M = 11.3 mm

    Detail scale = 1:10, so scale factor = 1/10 = 0.1


- If Bar size is less than HDIA value x scale factor then HDIA size is used to represent the circle dia at the end of bar on Drawing model.

  On Sheet, if measured circle at the end of bar will be measured as 1.2 mm in this case.


- If Bar size is greater than HDIA value x scale factor  then Bar size is used to represent the circle dia at the end of bar on Drawing model

  On Sheet, if measured circle at the end of bar will be measured as 1.2 mm in this case.

MDOT circle size on Drawing model = HDIA value / Detail scale

                                    = 1.2 / 1/10

                                    = 1.2 /0.1 = 12.0 mm 

No let say, Detail scale is 1:100, so Circle size = 1.2x100 = 120 mm)

To fix this, we need to change the HDIA variable to 0.012

So that, circle size will be 0.012x100 = 1.2 mm 

After changing the value, circles will be appeared in normal size.

So with the introduction of this variable user need to take care while selecting the HDIA value in accordance with Scale.