How to collect the log file to contains the information about the error facing while generating draw

Applies To
Product(s):AutoPIPE Vessel
Environment: N/A
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group
Date Logged
& Current Version
March 2024


How to collect the log file to contains the information about the error facing while generating drawing?


Follow the below steps and gather log file to study the reason of error while generating drawings:

Step 1: We must have an up to date ficdig file, so the user can try to start the drawing from AutoPIPE vessel before the following, just to be sure the model was processed by correct prodes program and the registries are setup fine.
Check the ficdig file at path: C:\Users\Public\Bentley\AutoPIPE Vessel\AutoPIPE_Vessel_44\WorkDir
Ensure this file is modified recently and shows correct file name you used in recent drawing generation process through AutoPIPE Vessel,

Step 2: Open AutoCAD 2020
Open the file apacadmm.dwg (located in the config folder, by default C:/Users/Bentley/AutoPipe Vessel/AutoPipe_Vessel_44/Config/apacadmm.dwg)
In the command console, type
ARX (For AutoCAD)
BRX (For BricsCAD)
L (for Load - or equivalent if English is not the language)

Look for prog_2020_64.arx (inside installation Product folder, Aprotol folder, C:\Program Files\Bentley\AutoPIPE Vessel\AutoPIPE_Vessel_44\Aprotol )
Click on the Load and select the required version file and open it.

Step 3: Once loaded without errors, type
set it to 1 if it is 0
Step 4: then type
to start our drawing routine

This will generate the new drawing on the default path selected in APV. Check and confirm that the file generated is latest.
Step 5: Then, type
to get the log file name with its path (should be something like apacadmm_xxxxx.log)
Open the above path and Share this log file, so Bentley Development Team can find root cause of error and guide you further to resolve it.

See Also

Error Message

Bentley AutoPIPE

Bentley LEARN Server