How to store DWG settings that will be used on a number of files.

 Version(s):V8i, CONNECT Edition


How to store DWG settings that will be used on a number of files.


In MicroStation, a DWS file is a user preference file that stores DWG settings.

The file contains settings for opening and saving DWG FILES and is located in your workspace.

The configuration variable MS_DWGSETTINGSFILE sets the location of the DWS file and can be found here:

Workspace > Configuration > MS_DWGSETTINGSFILE

In the Save As DWG dialog, pick the settings needed and use the save icon in the Save As DWG/DXF options dialog to save the file in DWS format.

Now anytime you save to a DWG, this settings file will be used.

See Also

Opening and Saving DWG files in MicroStation V8

Other language sources


 Original Author:Derval Canny