How to reserve a STAAD.Pro license for offline usage

Applies To
Version(s): and higher
Environment: ALL
Area: STAAD.Pro Licensing Solutions
Subarea: N/A
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group


Can I use STAAD.Pro in Offline mode?


The Activation Wizard can provide a second function to account for situations where you may need to work outside a regular network, but still need access to a product, it is possible to Reserve a License to allow offline work. This ensures that your organisation accounts for the use and does not result in tripping over a threshold of licenses. This is similar to the ‘Checkout license’ that was available with SELECT Licensing.

To reserve a license use the Activation wizard, but use the option ‘Reserve a License’ on the screen presented:-

Click next and complete the following screens to have all the licenses you will require over the period they will be required. Note that this period will be considered as continuous usage or until the license are relinquished.

Note a similar facility exists in the License Management Tool and either method can be used.

See also

How to check out licenses for offline machines