Creating Virtual Machines with Hyper-V

 Version(s):CONNECT Edition

Important notice about use of Bentley applications in virtual environments - click here

A Virtual Machine is an emulation of a physical computer that uses physical hardware resources like CPU, memory and storage of another computer or server machine. VMs enable users to create multiple operating systems with different configurations on their own computer hardware, as well as for IT Administrators to provision VMs on central, high-end server machines that are situated in their office premise. Azure Virtual Desktop takes it one step further and enables IT Administrators to provision VMs on cloud computers, which gives the flexibility to quickly scale up/down and out/in as per the computing demands of the users.


Using Hyper-V on Windows 10

Usually in order to create a Virtual Machine, there are two most common ways. You can use a DVD with the System you want to install, or you can use an ISO file, sometime called ISO image, with system you want to use.

Both ways have similar steps, only the media, there is, where you will get the information to install your Virtual Machine will change.

Hyper-V comes as a part of Windows 10 (Education, Pro and Enterprise), it is not available on Windows Home Edition. We suggest using a clean machine, so you would have more space and less performance problems.

An introduction can be found below.

There are several articles on regarding the process on creating a VM and using it on Hyper- V environment. See a few below:

Your IT department can create a VM on Hyper-V, install MicroStation on it and export it to a colleague, using the steps below.

To run the Virtual Machine, on your machine, you need to enable Hyper-V Manager as described above, and as it lists the available VM, right click in it and select Connect…

Once you have it open it, you can use it as a regular machine.

Be aware of limitations on running Hyper-V on Windows 10

Programs that depend on specific hardware will not work well in a virtual machine. For example, games or applications that require processing with GPUs might not work well. Also, applications relying on sub-10ms timers such as live music mixing applications or high precision times could have issues running in a virtual machine.

In addition, if you have Hyper-V enabled, those latency-sensitive, high-precision applications may also have issues running in the host. This is because with virtualization enabled, the host OS also runs on top of the Hyper-V virtualization layer, just as guest operating systems do. However, unlike guests, the host OS is special in that it has direct access to all the hardware, which means that applications with special hardware requirements can still run without issues in the host OS.


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