What's New

This section provides a list of new features in Drainage and Utilities found in the OpenSite, OpenRoads, and OpenRail Designer CONNECT Edition products, also referred to as OpenX Designer products. Features that are only available in specific products are appropriately noted as such.

Connect Edition 2023

Video: Calculate Spread Width & Depth at Ditch Inlet

How to set the default OpenFlows license to activate when using an Open Civil product

Video: How to toggle a network to inactive

Video: Project Explorer Improvements

Connect Edition 2022 Release 1

YouTube Playlist of Enhancements

Connect Edition 2021 Release 2

Video: Insert Node Elevation Prompt Changes

Video: Common Drainage Properties

Best Practice: Avoid Copying a Design File with Drainage and Utility Project Data 

Change in how drainage and utility references are loaded in 2021R2

Video: Update Catchments Tool

Connect Edition 2021 Release 1

Connect Edition 2020 Release 3

Video: Place Nodes at Interval along Alignment

Video: Place Node - Elevation is Invert Property

Video: Whole Conduits Only Option using the Place Civil Profile Named Boundary tool

Video: Conduit Slope Construction vs. Slope Calculated

Video: Road Cross Slope Offset Property

Connect Edition 2020 Release 2

Video: Vertical Offset Manipulator

Video: Setting a Local Pipe Constraint

Connect Edition 2020 Release 1

The name of the workflow has changed to "Drainage and Utilities" to better reflect the functionality.