EH Load Case -- Horizontal Earth Pressure

Document Information

Document Type: FAQ

Product(s): LEAP RCPIER/Substructure

Version(s): All

Original Author: Bentley Technical Support Group -VM

QUESTION: How to calculate the Trapezoidal Load for EH load case at the bottom of abutment footing?


The procedure to calculate the Trapezoidal Load for EH load case at the bottom of the footing is as follows.

The Dimensions of the Abutment is shown in the attached screen shot.

Abutment Length  L = 40 ft

Height of Stem wall = 19 ft

Height of Back Wall = 3 ft

Footing thickness    = 3 ft

Total Height H = 19 + 3 + 3 = 25 ft .

Ka = 0.3

Gamma = 0.120 ksf

Load at the Bottom of the Footing = Ka x Gamma x H x L

Load at the Bottom of the Footing = 0.3 x 0.120 x 25 x 40 = 36 klf.