Updating Connections

Add New Connection
Synchronize Connection
Delete Connection
Rename Connection
Sync Schedule
Change Owner
Change Mapping

Add New Connection

Multiple connections can be made on a single iModel. Individual connections are usually created to separate the disciplines (Civil, Structural, Mechanical). Allowing the iModel to be updated in smaller sections based on how the model was designed.

  1. Select Connections from the iModel container options.

  2. From the Connections page, select the New button.

  3. This will direct you to the Create connection page where a connection can be made using the iTwin File Service or ProjectWise.

  4. From the Data Source selected navigate to the Folder with the required design file and walk through the steps to configure a new connection.

  5. Select Sync now to synchronize the newly created connection.

Synchronize Connection

  1. Select Connections from the iModel container options.

  2. From the Connections page, select the checkbox beside the required connection. Then choose Synchronize from the Top option menu or from the Meatball menu on the left of the selected connection.

  3. Or select the connection name to navigate to the Connection Status screen and select the Synchronization icon from there.

  4. The Connection Status screen shows the individual status of each design file.

Delete Connection

  1. When deleting a connection there are two options:
    1. To Delete a connection but keep already synchronized changes. This will stop future file synchronization but will not delete the existing changes from an iModel.
    2. Delete a connection along with synchronized changes from an iModel. This will stop future synchronization and will delete those files' data from an iModel. 

Note: If there are multiple connections the connection that defines the geocoordinate system cannot be deleted.

Rename Connection

  1. To rename a connection click the check box beside the connection, then select the Rename option.

  2. A Rename connection popup will appear, and the connection name can be changed.

Sync Schedule

Automatic synchronizations can be scheduled for the connection. There are different options to choose from:

Initiated manually – This manually done by the user when a synchronization is required

Every 4 hours - This is the shortest available schedule.

Daily - This can be set to a specific time during the day.

Weekly – This can set to a specific day and time.


Change Owner

  1. The connection creator becomes its owner. All scheduled synchronizations are done on their behalf and with their access rights.

  2. The ownership rights could be transferred to or taken by any team member who has at least once interacted with that iModel. To change the own select the Change owner option.

  3. Select a new owner from the Choose team member dropdown.

  4. Once the new owner is set, we recommend that you go to that connection in the portal and sync it manually to renew the user token. If that team member has not visited the Synchronization portal in the last 30 days, the token would be expired or unknown, so all scheduled synchronizations will fail.

Note: The owner cannot be changed when synchronization is in progress.

Token expiration

All scheduled synchronizations are running on behalf of the connection owner. A user access token is valid for 30 days. In the last remaining 10 days, the token is automatically refreshed when the owner visits iTwin Synchronization Portal. If the user does not visit the iTwin Synchronization Portal the scheduled connections will start failing due to user authentication issues. The owner will receive an email notification when the token expired.

Change Mapping  

  1. To make changes to existing data mapping select the Change Mapping option.

  2. To map additional composite models select to Add option and navigate to the design file location.

  3. To Un-map a composite model with its references select the Unmap file This will stop future files synchronization but will not delete the existing changes in an iModel.

  4. To remove all files, the connection will need to be Deleted. Deleting a composite model with its references will stop future synchronization and will delete those files data from an iModel. 

Note: A reference file cannot be un-map or deleted without a composite model. To remove the reference data the composite model must be updated.

  1. Once the files have been marked to be unmapped from the connection select Save.

  2. When un-mapping files there will be two options on how to proceed with the synchronization changes:

Delete unmapped models from an iModel - This option will delete a composite model with its references from the iModel and will stop future synchronization. If this option is chosen, the delete job will be automatically triggered.

Keep already synchronized changes. This option will stop future synchronization from unmapped files but will not delete the existing data from an iModel.