Shape weight is not regenerating automatically after changing the material of that shape.

 Version(s):CONNECT Edition (10.XX.00.XX)
 Area:Steel Placement
 Subarea:Shape Properties


Material weight of any inserted shape is not regenerating automatically after changing the material type of that shape.
When the users try to change the material type of an inserted shape, the new weight of the shape with the changed material doesn’t get updated.
So, to get the correct weight of the shape, there is one workaround available for which we need to follow the steps below:


1. Select the shape for which you want to change the material type and double click on it to open its properties. Select the Data option under the Part-list Data tab.

2.  Here, check the default material of shape and its weight in the Values tab under the Partlist Data tab.

3. Now , for e.g., change the material type of shape to Aluminum and here we observe that weight of the material doesn’t get changed.

4. To avoid this issue, check the Vol. Weight option below and unchecked it again. This will update the shape weight. In the image below you can see the updated weight of shape.

In this way, this issue can be resolved and correct value for shape weight can be obtained.

The issue is resolved completely in the upcoming Update for ProStructures CONNECT Edition.