Exporting Components

Configured components can be exported to an external file that can then be used to transfer said components into a separate configuration pack, project or even into a separate system. Any component that is listed within the Manage Components interface can be exported from the system.

For example, one office of an organisation may have setup a configuration pack with many customisations including Templates, Picklists, and Import/Export Mappings. This office could then send a copy of all of these customisations to a separate office that are getting started with the software.

To export the required components, simply select the Manage Components option from the Configuration Tools Ribbon. For the example below, a report view will be exported from the system.

The Manage Components window will then appear, allowing for selection of the required components.

Select the required Component Type from the drop-down list at the top of the window.

Once the correct Component Type has been selected, select the required components that are to be exported and click on the Export button. The user will then be prompted to save the file into a relevant location and give a suitable file name. Note that the exported file is a *.hbc file.

The exported file content can then be imported into a different configuration pack. Refer to the Importing Components section for details.