cif: namespace functions in XSL reports

Product(s):OpenRoads Designer
Area: Reports


Can you provide a list of the available cif namespace javascript functions used in the XSL reports in OpenRoads Designer?  


These are the cif parameters available to use from style sheets:









These are the cif functions available to use from style sheets:

                 public string columnFormat(string value, int length)


        //Note: Default precision is hardcoded to 2

        public string columnDoubleFormat(double value, int length)

        public string columnDoubleFormat(double value, int precision, int length)

        public string formatNumber(double value, int precision)

        public string formatNumber(double value)

        public string stationFormat(double value, string externalStatName)

        public string stationFormat(double value, int precision, string externalStatName)

        public string ordinateFormat(double value)

        public string distanceFormat(double value)

        public string distanceFormat(double value, int precision)

        public string areaFormat(double value)

        public string areaFormat(double value, int precision)

        public string acreFormat(double value)

        public string acreFormat(double value, int precision)

        public string cubicFormat(double value)

        public string cubicFormat(double value, int precision)

        public string directionFormat(double value)

        public string directionFormat(double value, int precision)

        public string directionMode()

        public string angularFormat(double value)

        public string angularFormat(double value, int precision)


        // Example: S12°16'57.835"E formats as South 12°16'57.835" East

        public string directionFormatLongCardinalDirections(double value)


        // Example: S12°16'57.835"E formats as South 12 Degrees 16 Minutes 57.835 Seconds East

        public string directionFormatLongCardinalDirectionsAndSymbols(double value)


        // Example: S12°16'57.835"E formats as South tweleve Degrees sixteen Minutes fifty-seven and eight hundred thirty-five thousandths Seconds East

        public string directionFormatLongCardinalDirectionsAndSymbolsAndNumbers(double value)

        public string numberToName(string numberString)

        public string integerNumberToName(int wholeNumber)

        public string gradeFormat(double value)

        public string gradeFormat(double value, int format)

        public string pointType(string value)

        public void SetGridOut(double value)

        public string date()

        public string time()

        public string landXMLDate()

        public string landXMLTime()

        public string leadingFormat(string strString, int nLength)

        public string trailingFormat(string strString, int nLength)