Why am I getting a warning message saying "support has missing or undefined pipe node" when using pi

Applies To
Environment: ALL
Area: STAAD.Pro Support Solutions
Subarea: Piping workflow
Original Author:Phil Riegel, Bentley Technical Support Group


Why am I getting a warning message saying "support has missing or undefined pipe node" when using pipelink to import AutoPIPE data?

This can be caused by the presence of "near zero" length elements in the AutoPIPE model being imported into STAAD.pro.  These are elements whose end nodes are separated by a very small (or zero) distance, and if they are indeed present in the AutoPIPE model a warning message will be reported to notify the user.  The following wiki provides a detailed explanation of these warnings and a process by which they can be eliminated:

W726-6: Near zero length element at point XXX warning message in AutoPIPE - AutoPIPE Wiki - AutoPIPE - Bentley Communities

Once the warnings are resolved in the AutoPIPE model, export the pipelink.db file, go into STAAD.pro, and repeat the pipelink import process.  You should find that the "support has missing or undefined pipe node" message no longer appears.