Error getting a Ram Connection License with SS5, SS6

Applies To
Version(s):V8i Version number ( -
Area:STAAD.Pro Support Solutions
Subarea:Connection Design workflow
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group

Problem Description

When trying to access Connection design within SELECT Series 5 or 6, you may be stopped with an error, No license for Ram Connection is available. Only simple Beam-Column connections available for usage."


From inside the start-up page of STAAD.Pro V8i SS6, go to the License Configuration section and make sure that the box for RAM Connection license is checked.

The will warn you that you are using an add on license. Click on 'Yes' if you are okay in using this additional module.

Now, click on the Configuration option as shown next 

 Go to the Misc. Options tab, check the box for "Use Ram Connection Product License".

If the option is already checked, try un-checking it, clicking Apply, then re-checking it and clicking Apply again followed by Accept.

If the problem persists, make sure that at least one RAM Connection license is available in the License Management Tool.

P.S. There have been few cases, where un-checking / re-checking and clicking Apply followed by Accept has not saved the information and it has remained checked ; in that case, uninstall STAAD.Pro and reinstall it with full administrative privileges (right-click on the installation file and select the option "Run as administrator", though you are logged in as the administrator). Now go to the configuration, uncheck the box, click on apply and then re-check it , click on apply, followed by accept. Now RAM Connection should work fine.

See Also

Error getting a RAM Connection License in STAAD.Pro SS6 (

Tips for Using RAM Connection within STAAD.Pro [TN].

[[How do I prevent access to the RAM Connection tab within STAAD.Pro?]]