Deck Control Points - Error creating solid. Self-Intersecting sections detected.

ISSUE:  When trying to assign an alignment for Deck Point Control we get an error saying "Error creating solid. Self-Intersecting sections detected. Please verify template dimensions and constraints."

RESOLUTION:  Currently (OBM and before) the way we generate Decks in OBM is we internally generated the deck well beyond the support line and then based on the skew of the support line we cut the deck accordingly at the support line as per the skew.  When we are doing Point Control for an alignment that is intersecting or causing an intersection when internally decks are generated, we get the error.  

As a workaround in the current version, you will have to create an alignment with a curve in the end so that it is not intersecting the main alignment and then do the point control.  The tool has been enhanced so that one does not need to modify the point control alignment from next version.