PLAXIS 2D CE V22.02.00 Release notes

New in PLAXIS 2D CONNECT Edition V22 Update 2

Release: October 2022

PLAXIS 2D CONNECT Edition V22 ( contains the following improvements and updates compared to PLAXIS 2D CONNECT Edition V22.01:

Compatibility notes: Due to the major changes in the material database and the unit system, PLAXIS 2D CONNECT Edition Version 22 will be installed alongside Version 21, instead of overwriting it. When opening PLAXIS 2D V21 projects with PLAXIS 2D V22, projects will automatically be saved as a converted copy with the _converted suffix and will require recalculation. When using non-SI-units, the mesh also needs to be regenerated.
The PLAXIS 2D CONNECT Edition V21 projects will remain unchanged.
Earlier versions of PLAXIS will not be able to open files saved in PLAXIS 2D V22.

New features

Cable bolt element
Added cable bolt element and material type to simulate rock reinforcement like grouted cables or frictional/grouted bolts that work mostly in tension/compression. Material definition includes input of bond stiffness and bond strength parameters in line with rock engineering practice. Other capabilities include confining stress dependency and pre-stressing of the element.
Hoek-Brown model improvements
Added tension cut-off and tensile strength parameters to the material parameter input. Safety calculations for Hoek-Brown materials now correctly reduce the tensile strength as well, providing more realistic safety factors.
Simplification of polylines and polygons
Exported CAD files can contain many less relevant intermediate points and lines. Once imported into PLAXIS 2D, these dense geometries will result in overly fine meshes and will slow down. During the import of, for example, geological cross-sections coming from Leapfrog or CAD applications, users can now select the "reduce point density" option to reduce the number of points of polygons or polylines present in the imported file. By reducing the number of points during the import process, the user can optimize the imported geometry for numerical analysis.
Free field boundary improvements
The free field boundaries implementation has been updated for this release offering several improvements. Deformation patterns, particularly along the boundaries, are now consistent with those expected in a far field analysis and there is no longer a need to include drained material columns at the model boundaries when performing an undrained or a partially undrained analysis. Several validation exercises were developed to ensure that the response when using free field BCs is consistent with what is expected from theory of wave propagation, as well as obtained when using other BCs (e.g. tied degrees of freedom).
Removed Academic watermarks
For users of Academic licenses, PLAXIS no longer displays watermarks in Input and Output.

Fixed issues

The following known issues have been fixed in this version:

A large number of issues have been addressed, including:

Download links

You can update to the latest version using the CONNECTION Client, or download the installer via Bentley System's Software downloads.