Video: Guardrail Modeling

Product(s):InRoads, MX, GEOPAK
Area: Corridor Modeling
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group

Click the video below to play it. To view in fullscreen mode, first click the YouTube link at the bottom of the video to launch the video on the YouTube site. Then, click the fullscreen button (rightmost button at bottom of video).

Note: This video references "Guardrail_Type_A..." feature definitions in the "Safety and Structures" folder.  These feature definitions were specific to the workspace used when the video was recorded.  A generic form of these feature definitions can be found in the “Bentley-Civil-Imperial" and “Bentley-Civil-Metric” example projects delivered with the product.  The feature definitions Roadway_Guardrail_3D_Left, Roadway_Guardrail_3D_Right, Road_Guardrail_Post, etc… can be found in the Feature_Definitions_Imperial.dgnlib or Feature_Definitions_Metric.dgnlib, in the Linear>Roadway folder.

Also, the template “2 Lane Rural w/Guardrail” in the Civil_Templates_Imperial/Metric.ITL file uses these feature definitions to place the guardrail and posts.  When using this template, make sure the corridor design stage has Create Linear Features and Include Null Point Linear Features

 Recorded in 1280 X 720 resolution.