MicroStation CONNECT Edition Update 17

Update 17 is the latest version of the MicroStation CONNECT Edition. This update includes several new productivity enhancements and updates.

In this series, we look at "what's new" in the MicroStation CONNECT Edition Update 17.

MicroStation CONNECT Edition Update 17

View the highlights of MicroStation CONNECT Edition Update 17 and find out what’s new in this release. Details of any security fixes in this update can be found on our Trust Center website.



Display Rules

Display Rules have many new enhancements in Update 17. These enhancements include a new Apply Display Rule tool, updates to the Condition Editor making it easier to access Item Types and other properties, enhanced operator support, and the ability to include Display Rules when exporting to DGN and DWG.

New to Update 17 is support for Item Types in Display Rules. A display rule is a set of display criteria that is processed on a view in a design, allowing you to control the symbology, appearance, and display of elements.

Display Rules and Item Types

This can be based on the property of an element, named group, view, model, reference, or file. In this video, we look at how Item Types can be used with Display Rules.


A new Apply Display Rule tool has been added to the Presentation ribbon group making it easy to apply a Display Rule to the active Display Style.


Display Rules and Display Styles

Additional enhancements include an improved Condition Editor with updated wild card support and the ability to Export with Display Rules to DGN and DWG file formats. Display Styles will come across as View Styles in the exported DWG file.

PDF is a robust open file format available in my many applications used for data exchange. In the MicroStation CONNECT Edition Update 17, you can now import PDF files into MicroStation or save PDF files as DGN, converting any vector data into MicroStation elements.

PDF as Vector

In this video, you will see how to import PDF files into MicroStation.



Clone Items

When working with Item Types, often multiple elements in a model have the same Item Type data attached. The MicroStation CONNECT Edition Update 17 now offers the ability to clone Item Type data. This allows Item Type data to be copied from one element and attached to another.

Speed your design processes and get the most out of your parametric models by reusing and modifying existing content with Activate Component.

Activate Component

This new feature makes it easier to modify and reuse existing content in your parametric workflows by activating a component and making changes to the original or creating a copy and modifying the new component.



Item Type Text

An Item Type is a property attached to an element. These are often meant to be non-graphical properties used for reporting, modifying the view display, etc. New in Update 17 is the ability to display Item Type text. In this video, you will see how to make Item Type text visible in a model.

The Variables Dialog

The use of variables is an important aspect in creating parametric designs. The MicroStation CONNECT Edition Update 17 offers several updates to variables including minimum and maximum values to be set, folders for organizing variables, and the ability to access parametric variable within some of the 2D drafting tools.


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