03 Can AutoPIPE export the beam structure to STAAD using pipelink?

Applies To
Area: Export
Date Logged
& Current Version
April. 2018


Can AutoPIPE export the beam structure to STAAD using pipelink?


Please see the following AutoPIPE help section:
Help > Contents> Contents Tab> Command Reference> File Commands> Export> Model to STAAD Using PipeLink

As seen in the online help:

The following data will be exported:

- PipeLink revision information
- Model information
- Piping Geometry as an ADI
- Pipe Supports
- Pipe Support Connections
- Supports
- Support Loads
- Anchors
- Anchor Loads

Only those items listed above are exported to STAAD. As such, BEAMS are not listed and thus are not exported to STAAD. However, structure created in STAAD are able to be imported into AutoPIPE.

See Also

Export Model to STAAD Using PipeLink (*.pipelink)

Bentley AutoPIPE