How to Create a Composite Triangulation model.

 Applies To 
 Product(s):Bentley MXROAD
 Environment: N/A
 Area: Modify
 Subarea: Triangulation
 Original Author:Jason Walsh, Bentley Technical Support Group










A composite model is  the combined design and survey model for a project. The uses of a composite model are for generating an accurate through visibility analysis (takes in existing obstructions) and for creating rendered visualisations of a project.

Steps to Accomplish

Display Models

Display both the survey model and design model and load the Create Composite Model tool (Modify>Edit Models>Create Composite Model tool).

Select Outside Model

The initial dialog box asks to Select Outside Model (the outside model is the survey model). Select Next to continue when you have selected the required model.

Select Inside Model

The next dialog box asks to Select Inside Model, the inside model is the design model.You need to select a boundary for the design model, the options are Auto Boundary, Create New Boundary and Use Existing Boundary String. You can select/set up a Masking file for the Inside Model if you want to mask any strings in the model from being included (i.e. volume strings). Select Next selected the required model and set up the boundary and masking options.

Create the Composite Model

This will bring up the dialog box to create the composite model. Here you can select to create a Composite Triangulation and a Composite String Model.  Select Finish to create the model.

See Also

MX TechNotes And FAQs

How to Seed the Composite Triangulation Model

How to Create a Fly Through