Installing or Upgrading to CONNECT Edition

This article will guide you through the steps of installing and licensing CONNECT editions of KeyLAB and HoleBASE. There are five steps you need to complete to upgrade or install HoleBASE or KeyLAB.

Upgrade your Keynetix Editions before you start

If this is the first time you have used HoleBASE or KeyLAB you can skip this step

If you are upgrading an existing Keynetix installation of HoleBASE or KeyLAB, you MUST install the latest versions of the Keynetix editions of HoleBASE Standard or Professional and KeyLAB BEFORE you install the Bentley CONNECT Versions. 

The upgrade routines in the CONNECT editions will only upgrade the database structure from the latest release of Keynetix editions.  You, therefore, need to install the latest version and run it once to upgrade the database structure to the version that can be updated. 

The latest version of Keynetix Edition of HoleBASE can be downloaded here

The latest version of Keynetix Edition of KeyLAB can be downloaded here