How to Import Carlson Raw Data Files

Area: Survey

 (Note: for InRoads/GEOPAK SS3+, the Carlson RW5 data file import is supported using the "Tripod Data Systems" TDS RW5 filter)


How can I import a Carlson RW5 raw data file?

Answer 1:

To easily import a Carlson file, you can use this carlson.tiw (Text Import Wizard file). 

If you would like to add this TIW to the Import Survey Data Dropdown Menu, refer to the following wiki:

Answer 2:

Some TRAVERSE files from CarlsonSurvCE (version 2.62) may require this carlson_TRAV.tiw file.  The following changes were made to this TIW:

Note: If there are no SP (stored point) records in your RW5 file, you will need to import fixed points separately.

Refer to the following WIKI to learn how to add this TIW to the Import Survey Data menu: