Microsoft Visual Basic licensing information for this component could not be found

 Version:V8i, CONNECT


Error message or warning

When starting, while working in or when closing MicroStation CONNECT Edition, the following error message appears, which must be confirmed with OK

Microsoft Visual Basic Licensing information for this component not found. You do not have the appropriate license to use this functionality in the design environment.


This error message can have various causes. In most cases, the suggested solutions that have to do with Microsoft Office installations will help.

How to avoid this

Option 1

Microsoft Office has not yet been installed on the PC.

Install MS Office without activating the product.

Option 2

Microsoft Office has already been installed on the PC.

Repair the MS Office installation.

The following link from Microsoft describes the procedure:

Repair an Office application - Office Support (

In individual cases, installing a different Microsoft Office version was successful, e.g. Office 2010 instead of Office 2013.

Option 3

In some cases the reinstall of the "Prerequisites for Bentley Desktop Applications" version has repaired the VBA installation enough to remedy this issue.

This can be found on the Software Download page of the Bentley website.

See also

How to download the Prerequisites for Desktop Application such as MicroStation

Other language sources

Deutsche , Français

 Original Author:Andrew Bell