W2261-4: Invalid Point in "Virtual Anchor" data for following Soil Id(s)...warning message appeared

Applies To
Area: Warning
Date Logged
& Current Version
Dec 2022


The following is displayed when using AutoPIPE

 * * * W A R N I N G - MODEL * * *
W2261-4:  Invalid Point in "Virtual Anchor" data for following Soil Id(s)


Why and How to avoid it?


This warning refers to the specified Soil ID mentioned by the warning (ex. 36O30), the Virtual Anchor data may have some inconsistent data. 


Open the referenced Soil ID Virtual Anchor dialog and confirm Point Name for Temp Data specified on the dialog to be correct.

If yes, press the keyboard Tab key and cycle through all of the fields. When OK button is highlighted press Enter key on the keyboard to close the dialog.

If No, please ensure that you accurately choose the appropriate Point Name for Temperature Data from the dropdown menu. Afterwards, utilize the Tab key on your keyboard to navigate through all the fields. Finally press the OK button 2x, and press the Apply button to close the dialog.

Final steps, be sure to press OK to close the Edit Soil Properties dialog, then press Apply button on the Soil Properties dialog, and then continue using the program as needed. These final steps are important to ensure that the model database was correctly updated with the settings on the various soil dialogs.   

NoteThis warning may be indicated if the model was created in an earlier version and then opened in a new version; the database needs to update to the new version and to confirm Soil settings. Again, by cycling through the Virtual Anchor dialog and pressing Apply on the Soil Properties dialog will resolve the this warning message from being displayed in the model consistency report . 

See Also

"Warnings" Messages

Bentley AutoPIPE