Parts Database Merge Utility

 Product(s):Promis.e, Bentley Substation
 Area:Component Management
 Subarea:Parts Database


The Parts Database Merge Utility copies selected rows from a table in one database to a table in another database. It was developed to merge part number records from manufacturer parts databases into the main parts database used by the software. It is an alternative to using Microsoft Access to copy the data.

The Parts Database Merge Utility is a legacy application with limitations, foremost is the inability to include fields of the Memo data type. The Import and Export Data tool included with recent versions of SQL Server, including Express, is an alternative to using the Parts Database Merge Utility. It has the additional capability of copying data between Access databases and SQL databases.

Steps to Accomplish


  1. Download from the Files area.


  1. Extract and run partsdatabasemergeutility01000000en.exe from the downloaded .zip file.
  2. Run the PartsDatabaseMerge.exe file found in the resulting

  3. Follow the steps to complete the installation.


  1. Double-click the Promis-e Database Merge shortcut on the desktop. Alternatively, run dbmerge.exe. This file is installed in C:\dbmerge\ by default but may be located elsewhere.
  2. Consult the "Database Merge Tool Instructions.pdf" file regarding the use of the utility. These files are found in the

Note: the Parts Database Merge Utility cannot include fields that are the Memo data type during the merge, so do not include the "Additional_Part" or any "User" or "Memo" fields in the field mapping step to avoid "overflow" errors.

See Also

[[Adding Manufacturer Data To promis.e]]

[[Converting to an SQL Parts Database]]

 Original Author:Matt_P