OpenCities Map

OpenCities Map turns heterogeneous data into structured information and maps.

Role-Based Onboarding Experience

CAD Designer


Learn about increasing productivity and improving interoperability and data security by extending MicroStation CAD capabilities and format, feature-based modeling, and support for data persistence seamlessly in spatial-adding databases.

Application/Software Used

Training Courses (LEARNserver)

Training Courses (ON24)

Database Administrator (DBA)


Learn about the conversion of CAD drawings to geospatial features making them ready to be uploaded to spatial database.

Application/Software Used

Training Course (LEARNserver)

Training Courses (ON24)

Geographic Information System (GIS) Specialist


Learn about 2D and 3D design productivity capabilities for creating and maintaining engineering-quality spatial data of city assets and spatial analysis and presentation capabilities using 2D and 3D data. These include the ability to create buffers around objects, perform topology overlays, create thematic 2D and 3D maps, detect 3D collisions, as well as capabilities to perform shadow and solar analysis.

Application/Software Used

Training Course (LEARNserver)

Training Courses (ON24)

OpenCities Map Product Overview

Bentley OpenCities Map

Case Studies

City of Helsinki Digital-City-Synergy

Infraero Digital Airport - Londrina

Vodafone Greece- Automated FttH Network Design

IZZI Telecom- FTTC Network

Join the OpenCities Map Community

Provides Wiki articles, forum information, blog posts, files, and ideas.

Bentley Community for OpenCities Map

Subscribe to the Bentley OpenCities Map YouTube Channel

Provides various short overview videos on program features and capabilities.

Bentley Reality Modeling YouTube Channel

Project Summaries – User Success Stories

City of Helsinki – Digital City Synergy

Infraero – Empresa Brasileira de Infraestrutura Aeroportuária – Digital Airport – Londrina

OpenCities Map Product Datasheets

OpenCities Map supports the creation, maintenance, analysis, and sharing of 2D and 3D geospatial information.

OpenCities Map CONNECT Edition

OpenCities Map Enterprise is a fully featured GIS that is intrinsically 3D.

OpenCities Map Enterprise CONNECT Edition

OpenCities Map PowerView is a desktop GIS product for viewing and light editing.

OpenCities Map PowerView CONNECT Edition