11. How to enter Hydrodynamic data for mass points located between actual node points in AutoPIPE?

Applies To
Environment: N/A
Area: Modeling
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group
Date Logged
& Current Version
Dec. 2016


AutoPIPE help stated:

   "Insert> Xtra Data> Hydrodynamic data can be used to set user drag and inertia coefficients for different points. However these coefficients cannot be set for mass points. User would need to enter actual nodes for setting these hydrodynamic factors."

Since the wave load interface doesn't have the space that can input the lift coefficient, how can the lift coefficient be defined if one does not want to use the command "Insert> Xtra Data> Hydrodynamic data"


The Lift coefficient for all points is assumed zero unless identified by Insert> Xtra Data>Hydrodynamic Data. One would still have to amplify the lift factors (possibly by a factor of 2, since soil points are placed at the midpoint between actual points) to get the correct force.

See Also

Model Subsea (Underwater) Piping

Bentley AutoPIPE