How to achieve ProStructures Element properties using Item Types Expression?

 Version(s):CONNECT Edition (Update 10.xx.00.xx)
 Area:Item Types
 Subarea:Structural Properties
 Original Author:Sandip Kar, User Success Team


An Item Type is a user defined set of properties used to describe an object or element. Using the Attach Item tool, you can create items based on your item types and attach them to objects or elements within a DGN file. Once attached, the properties of an item get display in the Properties dialog along with the other properties of the object or element.

Within Item Type properties there is Expression which is a text string/variable that defines the syntax to be evaluated by the expression evaluator. The expression input can comprise of numbers, strings, access strings, symbols, and operators. Once you attach an item type with an expression defined, the corresponding value of the expression will display in the element's Properties dialog.

ProStructures element properties are now enabled to read via the Item Type expression. ProStructures has now the EC  Properties which can be written using the expression builder and in return we can able to get the ProStructures properties. This document will explain how one can achieve the Structural Properties using Item Type expressions.


Item Type dialog can be accessed in the Ribbon at Drawing > Attach > Item Types > Item Types dialog launcher 

1. Structure of Item Type is Item Type Library - Item Type - Item Type Property

One can create multiple Item Type Library, multiple Item Types and as much as item Type Properties by clicking on buttons in the dialog.


2. When you are on any Item type property definition, right side we will get Expressions under Calculated property section. In the Expression tab at the very right end when mouse is hover over we will get "..." which when clicked will open up the Expression Builder dialog where we can build our expression. Following image will show the syntax of expression.

You can also test if the written expression is correct or not by clicking on Test button.

Get the complete LIST of properties which are currently working with Item Type Expressions.

Following is an example of properties which can be achieved by Item Type Expressions.


See Document