Symbol text does not transfer to symbols

 Product(s):Promis.e, Bentley Substation
 Area:Administration Features

Problem Description

After assigning values to symbol text on a symbol, the values do not transfer to other symbols for the device.

Or, after importing devices using "Import spreadsheets into BOM" on the BOM Explorer tab of [[Project Manager]], the symbol text specified on the spreadsheet is not retained when the symbol for an imported device is inserted.

Steps to Resolve

To share symbol text between symbols, ensure the "Shared Value" check box(es) are enabled for the attributes in question.

  1. Select [[Options]] > System Options > Symbol Text
  2. Enable the appropriate check boxes. Enable the "Shared Value Within SubID" option to share the attribute value across symbols within a family. Enable the "Shared Value Over SubID" option to share the attribute across all symbols that share the same complete device ID.

These settings are stored in the Multi_Language_UI.mdb file, typically found in "\[[promis-e Data folder|promis-e Data]]\Databases\" or "\[[Substation Data folder|Substation Data]]\Databases\".

If the settings appear to have been reset, the software could be configured to use a different data folder or Language Database than previously used (on in the local file system instead of on the network, for example) or the Multi_Language_UI.mdb file may have been overwritten.

 Original Author:Matt_P

Keywords: parent, child, children, attribute
P/S: 70363, 500000087638