STAAD.Pro CONNECT Edition Licenses

Applies To
Version(s): and higher
Environment: ALL
Area: STAAD.Pro Licensing Solutions
Subarea: N/A
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group


What features are included in basic and Advanced version of STAAD.Pro License?


The licenses that can be used in a STAAD.Pro session can deliver a range of capabilities. A broad summary of these capabilities is described below. 


This is the basic primary license required to run any version of STAAD.Pro. Without use of this license no aspect of STAAD.Pro is available for use. When this license is used the following are some of the key aspects of the program that become available


STAAD.Pro Advanced

This provides extended capabilities to STAAD.Pro by adding the following additional capabilities to the program:-

Note that this license cannot be used in isolation. It requires a parallel use of the basic STAAD.Pro license.


Structural SELECT Entitlements

This is an extra license which will extend the capabilities of a STAAD.Pro session with additional capabilities. The following capabilities are included with any STAAD.Pro license that is maintained on a current subscription program:-


Note that this license cannot be used in isolation. It requires a parallel use of the basic STAAD.Pro license.

See also

Programs included in different types of license for