Automatic Insertion of Shapes

 Version(s):CONNECT Edition (10.xx.00.xx)
 Area:Steel Placement
 Original Author:Mihir Patil, Bentley Product Advantage Group


In this Wiki we are going to learn about Automatic insertion of several shapes. For Automatic insertion of shapes ProStructures offers several options. For instance, a frequent application is the generation of a supporting grid with previously defined joints.


A) Insert Columns:

1) First, place the Workframe as per the requirement.

2) Now Select Shapes from Steel Placement tab.

3) Select the required shape from the catalog and to insert the columns click on   (Insert Columns).

4) After selecting this option, dialog allows the insertion of columns with predefined pitches (for joints). The selection opens the Options dialog, where you can define the pitches. Each line corresponds to a shape segment of the column. Then, you have several insertion variants at your disposal.

5) Provide the Starting Height and End Height for the column and then for the placement of columns there are several controlling features available and their functions are given below.

a) Inserts the column at the selected position and divides it into segments corresponding to the list.

b) Inserts the column at the intersection point of any two lines and divides it into segments corresponding to the list. Click on both lines.

c) Inserts the column at the intersection point of the Workframe axes (grid) which are situated within a rectangular area and then divides it into segments corresponding to the list. Click on the lower left and the upper right point of the area.

d) Inserts the column at the intersection of the Workframe axes (grid) which are situated within any area and divides it into segments corresponding to the list. Click on the corner points of the frequency polygon describing the desired area.

6) Select any insertion tool from above as per requirement of function and place the shape on the Workframe.

B) Insert Girders:

1) To place the Girder, select the Insert beams option.

2) Selecting    from the Shapes dialog allows us to insert several girders at the Workframe axes (grid). That is, at the intersection points of the axes. They are automatically divided into segments.

3) To do so, one should first be in a plan view on the desired area because the girders are always inserted in the current UCS. Then, click on the lower left and the upper right point of the area.
(Refer the image below.)