How to activate Expert Mode to access different types of ProStructures and ProSteel files within the

 Product(s):ProStructures, ProSteel, ProConcrete
 Version(s):CONNECT Edition (10.XX.00.XX)
 Area:Global Settings
 Original Author:Vyanktesh Nama, Bentley Product Advantage Group


In this wiki, we are going to learn how to activate Expert Mode to access different types of files within the ProStructures application such as Part Description file, Plate Description file, Plate Thickness Tabel, Hole Diameter file, etc.


Please follow the below steps to achieve this.

1. Open the Global Settings or Options by holding the right mouse button in the View window and then click on the Options.

2. In the Options dialog box, go to the Dialog Settings and change the mode from Beginner to Expert mode.

3. After changing to Expert mode, a new File option gets activated as shown in the below image.

4. Now, click on the Files option and here we can find different types of ProStructures and ProSteel files.

In this way, we can access different types of ProStructures and ProSteel files within the application.

See Also