01. Input grids - AutoPIPE

Comments, Questions, and Answers on AutoPIPE's Input Grids

  1. Benefits: (from AutoPIPE help)

    • More efficient checking process of the input data.

    • Duplicate and incorrect data can easily be identified e.g. multiple flanges or support displacements.

    • Global changes can be made to the model e.g. change gaps or friction across multiple supports, edit all the valve or flange weights in one list, change pipe properties e.g. corrosion, insulation, specific gravity across all pipe identifiers, change all beam section IDS, or select and apply soil properties.

    • Review the updated data changes during model creation.

    • Selections in the grid are dynamic with the graphic and vice versa.

    • Accurate placement of components using the point grid either by offsets or global coordinates.

    • Ability to 'slide' points e.g. supports along pipe to optimize support configuration (Apply Offset Option).

    • Review Pressure and Temperature data for all thermal cases in one location.

    • The Tee Input grid provides a very useful SIF design calculator Tool to achieve lower Tee SIF's and acceptable piping code stresses.

    • Print complete grid to PDF file including useful custom page settings and 'Fit to page' option.

    • Option for easier viewing of data without zeros.

    • Ability to export data to MS Excel or MS Access from AutoPIPE

    • When segments / components are unselected / hidden, then the data on all input grids will not be shown for these items except for the pipe properties, beam, soil ID, and Segment grid tabs.

  2. Navigating The Input Grids In Bentley AutoPIPE 2004 [CS]

  3. Input grid are missing, reset location

  4. Power User Tips & Techniques When Using The Input Grids

  5. Compare AutoPIPE Input Grids with Caesar Spreadsheets

  6. Grid Tabs:

                 i.  Select the tab name hyperlink below for more related information.
                 ii. Hyperlinks are added when content is added.

  Tab Name Description
1Pres/Temp/PipeIDPressure and Temperature data or change pipe identifier over a range of points
2Pipe PropertiesAny of the pipe identifier properties.
3SegmentHide or Select Segments and assign Line Numbers
4PointComponent lengths, point offsets, global coordinates or point names.
5Design Pres/TempDesign Pressure and Temperature (ASME NB only)
6AnchorAnchor Stiffnesses,  hanger releases and option to transfer loads for local stress analysis using AutoPIPE Nozzle
7SupportSupport identifier, Type, support stiffness, gaps, friction and support direction
8TeeTee type, additional tee parameters including automatic SIF's
9BendBend point name, bend radius, Type, define bend midpoint.
10ValveLength, Type, pressure rating, weight, weld connection type and weld SIF
11FlangeType, pressure rating, weight, weld connection type, weld SIF, ANSI flange definition
12Flex. JointLength, flexible joint stiffnesses, weight and pressure area
13ReducerLength, SIF, cone angle, weld mismatch.
14BeamBeam offsets, section and material identifiers, Beta angle, rigid lengths and end releases
15Section IDBeam section ID
16Imposed Disp.Load case, translational and rotational displacements
17Concentrated ForceLoad case, applied forces and moments.
18Cut ShortLoad case, amount of cut short or cut long.
19Joint Type, SIFIn-plane and out-plane SIF, override option, flexibility factor
20WeightAdditional weight and offsets.
21Thermal Anchor MovementsThermal anchor translational and rotational displacements
22SoilSoil defined over range of points, length, max soil spacing and number of soil points
23Soil IdentifierProperties of any soil identifier
24Gross DiscGross point discontinuity (ASME NB only)
25Out Of RoundnessOut of roundness (ASME only)
26Static EQStatic earthquake factors
27Reference PointProperties of reference points
28Hydrodynamic DataHydrodynamic data defined on points
29Distributed LoadsDistributed load defined on a range of points
30Rigid OptionsRigid options defined on a range

See Also

Grids (Input & Results)

Bentley AutoPIPE