API / SDK ProStructures Connect Edition

Whether you are a CAD administrator, new to programming, or developing professional-grade commercial applications, you can benefit from the ProStructures CONNECT Edition feature-rich APIs and SDKs. Use this development environment to create and customize professional-grade applications for ProStructures and other Bentley applications.

ProStructures API is the recommended method to create customized tools with full fidelity. MicroStation and Bentley application APIs can be used to develop simple utilities, customized commands, or sophisticated commercial applications. In fact, Bentley developers use these same APIs to develop their MicroStation-based applications. MicroStation can also host and interface with a variety of programs and applications written in C, C++, C#, or Visual Basic.

You need to download the ProStructures SDK from here:


A Prerequisite is the Microstation SDK you find here with a lot of additional information about basic Microstation Programming:


After executing the prostructuressdk10xxxxxxen.msi by double-clicking you will be asked for your preferred folder to install the SDK Content:

After Installation, you find in the subfolder \SDK\examples the following examples:

In the Documentation folder you find the ProStructures .Net Help file containing documentation for creating .Net add-ins for ProStructures. This includes the Class list, Class Hierarchy, and the Namespace List.  Some code examples can be found included within the document.

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