HTML Engineering Links running in dual application windows

 Applies To 
 Environment: N\A
 Area: Configuration
 Subarea: General
 Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group


Location of HTML Engineering Links when using dual application windows.

If MicroStation is set up to open two application windows and you try to send the HTML page to the second monitor, the created HTML window is not visible


Found that the configuration variable
MS_BROWSERMAKECHILDWINDOW was set to a value of "1"

This causes the window created by connecting the HTML link in MicroStation open as a child window to MicroStation Window (1) when dual applications windows are applied. The focus of the window does not change and the newly created HTML window may not be visible.

By setting the MS_BROWSERMAKECHILDWINDOW to a value of "0" the newly created HTML window has no tie in to the MicroStation application and can be manipulated as desired, even if the MicroStation application is closed.

By default this variable is delivered set to a value of "0".