Customizing Material list entries

Product(s):ProStructures, ProSteel, ProConcrete
Version(s):CONNECT Edition (10.XX.00.XX)
Original Author:Alistair Lobo, Bentley Product Advantage Group


In certain scenarios, one may require to only display required material entries and not all the material data in the assignment section. 

This document will guide you on how to tailor your material database to restrict the available material entries in your DGN file.


1) Copy the existing material database that is being used by the WorkSpace your DGN file is associated with, to a local location. You can find this MDB database file at C:\ProgramData\Bentley\ProStructures CONNECT Edition\Configuration\WorkSpaces\***Localization***\Standards\ProStructures\Data 

2) Now open the copied *.MDB file in any database editing application like Microsoft Access and the edit all the entries that you want removed or retained. 

3) Once you are done, save the file and close. Now replace the file located at the folder location in Step-1 and restart the ProStructures application. 

4) You will now see only those entries that have been retained in the modified *MDB file. 

See Also