ProStructures V8i SELECTseries 8 update 2 ( Plug-in for Bentley Products

ProStructures Plug-in for Bentley Products (

ProStructure Plug-in is required to be installed for other Bentley products to display ProStructures objects and their associated data.

1. User should always use latest released plugin build to avoid any compatibility issue's.

2. To see the correct weight properties in Item browser,

i. User needs to copy ProStructureMaterial.mdb locally at location "../mdlsys/asneeded/ProStructureMaterial.mdb".

ii. Edit ProStructures.cfg file. Delete the # tag for line "KS_MATERIAL_PATH  …" and specify ProStructureMaterial.mdb location. Save the cfg file.

iii. If user don’t do above changes the by default item browser display either 0 or incorrect Weight values.

3. Live nesting (reference) not fully supported yet when working with AECOsim or other Bentley products.