Training for OpenRoads commands in InRoads/GEOPAK/MX SS4

Product(s):InRoads, MX, GEOPAK
Area: General


Where can I get training on the OpenRoads tools included in GEOPAK, InRoads, and MX?


Users often inquire about training regarding the new OpenRoads technology tools and commands. Free training is available both on-demand and hands-on via the Bentley LEARNserver. Below are Learning Paths found on the LEARNserver, followed by a brief description and a link that will get you started.

1 OpenRoads Technology - Getting Started Learning Path. This Learning Path contains courses that teaches a new user how to model an urban roadway and intersection using Bentley civil software powered by the OpenRoads technology including Power InRoads, InRoads, Power GEOPAK, GEOPAK, MXROAD, and PowerCivil for Country.

2 OpenRoads Technology - Fundamentals Learning Path. These courses take you through the primary civil engineering workflows using OpenRoads technology. Learn to navigate and evaluate the design data, evaluate terrain, build horizontal and vertical geometry, create corridors, uses Civil Cells, define Superelevation and more. Appropriate for InRoads, GEOPAK, MXROAD, and PowerCivil for Country users.

3 OpenRoads Technology - Advanced Learning Path. These courses take you through more advanced engineering workflows using OpenRoads technology. Appropriate for InRoads, GEOPAK, MXROAD, and PowerCivil for Country users.

4 Subsurface Utility Design and Analysis Learning Path. This learning path teaches how to model subsurface utilities and perform hydraulic analysis

5 QuickStart for Surveyors using OpenRoads Technology Learning Path. This course teaches all of the topics/courses in the QuickStart for Surveyors using OpenRoads Technology learning path in a single session.

6 Survey Fundamentals using OpenRoads Technology Learning Path. This learning path teaches survey data processing capabilities powered by Bentley OpenRoads technology.

7 Bentley Civil Workspace Customization Learning Path. Learn to configure and customize the Bentley Civil Workspace delivered with the software to meet your standards and requirements.

8 OpenRoads Special Interest Group Learning Path. Learn or review various topics discussed during OpenRoads SIG meetings through On-Demand videos. For a schedule of upcoming live SIG meetings, visit Bentley Events on