09. How manually create and import a .TTP thermal transient profile file using AutoPIPE?

Applies To
Area: load 
Date Logged
& Current Version
Jan. 2021


How manually create and import a .TTP thermal transient profile file using AutoPIPE?


At this time, Jan 2021, writing the TTA as one would have in ADLPipe is the best way to bring in the data required for the TTA loading. Then use AutoPIPE's "Import from existing TTA" command to actually import the data into the program. This splits the information up into the correct AutoPIPE files and makes the association. ADLPipe had only one input and output file whereas AutoPIPE has multiple.  The reason for this was to hopefully provide for more automation in the future. 

Please log a Service Request asking for the ADLPipe manual to help create the ADLpipe TTA Input (*.adi) file required.

See Also

"Thermal Transient Analysis" (TTA)

Bentley AutoPIPE