07. Is it possible to include rotations in the MSRS analysis when using AutoPIPE?

Applies To
Area: Modeling
Date Logged
& Current Version
April. 2018


Is it possible to include rotations in the MSRS analysis?



At this  See comments below:

1. Seismic Anchor Motion analysis does not support imposed rotation input and analysis.

Generally in a seismic event, ground motions are involved and rotations of the ground (or motion resulting in support rotation) may not be a likely event.

2. For normal imposed support displacements (when load case selected is other than S1 through S10) rotation can be entered and analyzed. There load cases cannot be selected for MSRS analysis.

3. In the example above, the displacement and rotation displayed at nodes M2 or M3 do not have any support or anchor to apply impose support displacement load. These may be a Response of the system due to applied Imposed Support Displacement at nodes M1 and M4. Sample AutoPIPE model below, a SAM load case with displacement and MSRS analysis using these SAM cases and a simple Response Spectra. notice rotations on the node as a result of MSRS example:

The geometry above is similar to the geometry in the example problem. We can see the translations and rotations from the MSRS (Response 1) case results. 

See Also

Bentley AutoPIPE