Why RCDC shows message of “Elevation of Column has been Omitted” while generating elevation of combi

 Applies To 
 Product(s):STAAD Advanced Concrete Design
 Environment: N/A
 Area: Concrete Design
 Subarea: Column & Shear Wall
 Original Author:Suvadeep Acharjee
Bentley Technical Support Group

Why RCDC shows message of “Elevation of Column has been Omitted” while generating elevation of combined wall?

Combined walls are consisting of more than one walls. If the wall shape and size is same at all floors, RCDC generally generates the elevation of combined wall showing one face only.

If the wall shape and size is not same throughout the height of all floors, it is difficult to generate elevation of these walls. The combined junctions of walls are detailed separately to satisfy the percentage reinforcement in both the walls. Also showing elevation of each face of combined wall would be difficult in case of thickness changes, thus RCDC generally ignore or omit the elevation of combined walls for elevation. Cases like major variation of reinforcement along height of wall and if combined wall consist of column are omitted.

Generally, elevations are generated to show typical reinforcement detailing along the height of column/wall. User can still generate elevation of column and single walls for typical reinforcement details.