Workset and Workspace not loading when launching OpenRoads Designer in a ProjectWise Managed Workspa

Product(s):OpenRoads Designer
Area: Workspace



After upgrading OpenRoads to 10.11 or 10.12, when I launch a DGN from within a ProjectWise Managed Workspace, the file loads but with no Workspace and no Workset.


One possible cause for this issue is the addition of the Cache.ucf in Power Platform (MicroStation) Update 17/OpenRoads Designer Update 11 (2022R1) which is used to define the last Workspace and Workset opened by the user.  Since this is really not necessary when loading a DGN within a ProjectWise Managed Configuration, there can sometimes be a conflict.  This will ultimately be fixed with ProjectWise 10.00.04+ is released.  Until then, the workaround below will resolve the issue.

Quick Test: 

1.) Browse to the users "prefs" folder and delete the "Cache.ucf" file.   The user prefs folder is typically located here: C:\Users\<>\AppData\Local\Bentley\OpenRoadsDesigner\10.0.0\prefs
2.) Test launching the DGN again.

If the issue is resolved by deleting the Cache.ucf, then follow the steps below.


Clear and lock the following two variables at the Managed Workspace "Predefined" level:


The picture above shows the two variables being cleared (using a string but leaving it empty) and set to locked.