AutoPLANT Modeler Retirement

This article refers to the email announcement sent out to AutoPLANT users earlier in November, 2023 detailing changes to the AutoPLANT Modeler Offering: 

Dear Valued AutoPLANT Modeler Users,

As part of our global rationalization plan, our world-class product teams and Commercial Programs colleagues are working diligently to simplify our product portfolio by streamlining our offerings to help you advance in your work and improve your user experience. 

To achieve this goal, Bentley has made the difficult decision to end support for AutoPLANT Modeler beginning December 31, 2023. We will also end general availability of this product and remove it from our Software Downloads Center by December 31, 2024. We strongly encourage you to migrate to Bentley’s OpenPlant Modeler as a replacement solution as soon as possible. Below is the retirement timeline for your review.

 Please note current perpetual licenses can be converted to OpenPlant licenses during this transition period. Bentley will also allow concurrent usage of both OpenPlant and AutoPLANT products during this period.

AutoPLANT Modeler Retirement FAQs: 

When is AutoPLANT Modeler being deprecated?

Bentley has made the difficult decision to end support for AutoPLANT Modeler beginning December 31, 2023. We will also end general availability of this product and remove it from our Software Downloads Center by December 31, 2024. This will give accounts a full year to migrate to an alternative solution.

Why is Bentley retiring AutoPLANT products?

We started a project in 2022 to update AutoPLANT to run on the latest AutoCAD version. During this process, we discovered challenges with core components of the software, as well as potential security vulnerabilities, due to the software being developed using deprecated technology from Microsoft. Therefore, the decision was made to retire the product and help existing users move to the more secure OpenPlant Modeler solution.

What products are impacted?

AutoPLANT Modeler

How long with AutoPLANT be supported?

We will continue to provide AutoPLANT support until the end of 2024. Support will include:

Please note that no further development updates or patches will be provided for AutoPLANT Modeler at the end of the Expiring Support phase of the Bentley Fixed Lifecycle Policy. Instead, Bentley colleagues will assist users in migrating to OpenPlant Modeler.

What Bentley solution replaces AutoPLANT?

AutoPLANT Modeler will be replaced by OpenPlant Modeler.

What about functionality differences between OpenPlant and AutoPLANT?

OpenPlant Modeler and AutoPLANT Modeler have very similar capabilities for plant design. A benefit to using OpenPlant Modeler is that this solution does not require an AutoCAD engine to run.

OpenPlant Modeler is better integrated with Bentley’s latest iTwin technology and can leverage cloud services for data management, visualization, and 2D/3D consistency.

What happens between Jan 2024 and Dec 2024 (Expiring Support)?

What happens after 2024 (Support Discontinued)? 

What is the migration path for existing AutoPLANT Users?

AutoPLANT licenses can be migrated to OpenPlant licenses. Users can convert their existing piping specifications and catalogues to OpenPlant. AutoPLANT 3D models can also be converted to OpenPlant format. We also have migration blueprints available for E365 accounts.

Is there an Enterprise Blueprint available to deliver the required migration services? 

To support any E365 users who require migration to OpenPlant, there is an Enterprise Blueprint (UID 834) available.

This blueprint will provide Bentley resources to help the user set up your OpenPlant configuration, migrate piping specifications and enable the migration of your 3D model to OpenPlant.

If you require Bentley to provide migration services, please contact your ESM to order the migration Blueprint.

The Enterprise Blueprint is only available to E365 users – if you are not an E365 user, please speak to your Account Manager to discuss your requirements.

What is the pricing model for OpenPlant Modeler?

OpenPlant prices are listed in the Bentley price book and persona-based application bundles are also available via Virtuosity. Please contact your account manager for more details on each option.

What if an account doesn’t want to move to OpenPlant?

After 2024, we will no longer charge SELECT fees or provide concurrent licensing for AutoPLANT Modeler. If a user wants to migrate their license to OpenPlant licenses, they can do so and continue using AutoPLANT Modeler in parallel with OpenPlant during the migration process. If they choose not to migrate, they will get node-locked licenses and will not receive any product support for AutoPLANT Modeler from Bentley moving forward.

Does OpenPlant require MicroStation?

No. OpenPlant is based on PowerPlatform and does not require additional MicroStation licenses.

How can I find out more about OpenPlant?

We encourage users to visit the OpenPlant Communities wiki for additional information.

We also have videos that highlight OpenPlant capabilities in YouTube.

Are there any tutorials available for OpenPlant Modeler?

You can find OpenPlant quick-start training videos in our YouTube channel:

What should I expect to happen:

as an exiting user with current SELECT subscription?

You will not be charged SELECT after December 31, 2024. If you own one of the licenses  being discontinued, you can keep your discontinued licenses; however,  they will become node-locked. See below for further details. Additionally, you can convert your licenses to OpenPlant and continue using AutoPLANT to finish your existing projects.

as an existing user with current SELECT subscription, do I have any other option than getting my licenses node-locked?

You can Portfolio Balance the licenses to other Bentley products or exchange the licenses for OpenPlant licenses.

as an existing user without current SELECT subscription?

Your licenses will already be node-locked and will not change.

if I am using AutoPLANT under OpenSELECT access, E65 or ELS?

If you are on E365 or ELS, then most likely you do not own any AutoPLANT licenses, which means you would have to purchase licenses in order to continue to use AutoPLANT. You can also choose to migrate to OpenPlant which also enables you to continue to use AutoPLANT in parallel at the same time during your transition period.

When did these changes take effect?

As stated above, these license and subscription changes will take effect as of December 31, 2024.

Who is affected by these changes?

Existing users with a current annual SELECT subscription, ELS subscription, or Enterprise 365 subscription.

Will the product stop working?

No, the product will still work with existing full product functionality. AutoPLANT Modeler Version is the final release of the product. You can continue using the product in 2024; however, after December 31, 2024, your licensing will be in node-lock mode without concurrent use on different machines. Finally, as stated above, there will be no support for this product after December 31, 2024.

Can I purchase more AutoPLANT licenses after December 31, 2023?

Yes, you can purchase new AutoPLANT licenses until December 31, 2024, which can then be used after this date in node-lock mode.

Who can I contact if I have a question that is not covered in this FAQ?

Please contact a member of your account team with any other questions you may have