07. AutoPIPE's 'Hydrotest' load combination was not exported to STAAD, why?

Applies To
Area: Export
Date Logged
& Current Version
April. 2018


AutoPIPE's 'Hydrotest' load combination was not exported to STAAD, why?


Running a test using AutoPIPE V8i and 09.05.xx.xx, when creating a hydrotest in both versions the load case is created as a separate Analysis set (i.e. Analysis set #2), shown below:

When imported into STAAD it will show up as a 2nd gravity load case, as shown below:

The Gravity 2 load cases imported is essential the hydrostatic load on the structure. When set up correctly there will be a difference between these loads case Gravity and Gravity(2) in STAAD.

See Also

Export Model to STAAD Using PipeLink (*.pipelink)

Bentley AutoPIPE